Job seekers
Our Diverse Recruitment Consultancy (DRC) mission is to make it easier for job seekers to secure permanent and rewarding employment.
As a specialty we focus on supporting minority ethnic people in Scotland, while also serving people from all communities.
To our candidates
We know that working in recruitment is effectively playing with your lives, your dreams and your aspirations. For everyone we feel is suitable for a role with one of clients you will be offered a range of services.
We offer C.V advice and writing, interview practice and most importantly aftercare once you have started. We do not sell people to people.
Registering with us will get you a more personal service than commercial staffing agencies as we are smaller and more personalised.
You will always receive honest and immediate feedback following each stage of your interview process.
You will have someone personally working for you.
Diversity in Context
Scotland is becoming increasingly diverse. The number of minority ethnic people living in Scotland has almost doubled in the last 10 years, and this trend is expected to continue for decades to come.
However, minority ethnic people in Scotland generally experience - for a variety of social, political and economic reasons - some sort of labour market disadvantage. This includes higher unemployment rates, lower earnings and greater concentrations in mundane work.
Without extra and special support many people from minority ethnic communities find it extremely hard to secure employment, and typically accept jobs that are outside the domain of their education, knowledge, experience and skills.
Introducing DRC
The Diverse Recruitment Consultancy offers job seekers a special and unique service to help secure permanent and rewarding employment.
DRC was inspired and benefits from LINKnet's experience in operating a free mentoring programme in Edinburgh, Scottish Borders, Fife and the Lothians. Established as a charity in 2000, LINKnet has provided many years of support to minority ethnic people wanting to achieve an employment, education and/or personal development oriented goal. For those participants seeking employment, LINKnet has helped more than 50% find permanent positions.
DRC has been established with training and consulting support from The Recruitment and Employment Confederation.
How does DRC work?
Much like other recruitment consultancies, DRC is committed to providing job seekers with quality service and support to help secure permanent employment. This includes meeting to understand the background, requirements and expectations of job seekers, and to provide honest, helpful and friendly service.
We are a little different though in that we carefully select candidates according to their suitability for the types of jobs and clients that DRC handles. This enables us to provide a personalised and targeted service and increase the likelihood of success. However this correspondingly means we are very limited in the number of candidates we can support.
Why choose DRC?
Most importantly, DRC is positively different to other recruitment companies in a number of ways:
We are familiar with the challenges experienced by minority ethnic people seeking jobs
When working with employers we promote the benefits of employing people from diverse ethnic backgrounds
We provide our candidates with an intensive training programme on employability skills, communication skills, basic office skills, cultural diversity, confidentiality and related topics
Our candidates can also benefit from LINKnet's long standing and successful one to one mentoring programme in order to be job ready
We are a charity organisation and any income generated from employers through DRC will be channelled back to LINKnet to sustain its free mentoring service. This also means our fees are very competitive and reasonable.
What next?
If you are interested in the DRC helping you to find a job, please send us your CV with a brief outline of your situation and requirements.